Sheep and goat Management Software

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Sheep and goat Management Software:

Modiran livestock management software is especially developed for goats and sheep and provides all recorded operations, including placing CIDR device, inoculation, calving and other operations for goats and sheep, and easily control and manage the herd. In addition, recording pedigree and herd improvement data and drawing a milk chart for livestock are among the features of this software.
In general, the software consists of two parts of operation and management, each of which can be selected.

  • Management:
    This section includes parts for operation control, barnyard definition, barnyard modification, defining the required parameters for recording information, defining the user, and determining the level of user access, and indeed all the management operations of the program are in this section.
  • Operations:
    • Main Specifications:
    Introducing New Livestock:
    The new livestock icon, which is located in the specifications part in livestock specifications and operations, allows you to record identification and individual data of the livestock which have entered to the herd or born in the herd.

Small-scale livestock management software

  • Can be performed for goats and sheep
  • Covering all medical operations, reproduction, and milk production
  • Surveillance on pedigree and achievement to genetic purity
  • Comprehensive and easy reporting
  • Ability to high-throughput analyze

Changing the livestock situation:

If for any reason, the livestock needs to be removed or have been removed, its information should change in the sheep and goat management software. There are two ways to record this operation.

  • Pedigree:
    In the pedigree section, it is possible to search for childs, real parents, and step parents. There is also the possibility of calculating blood purity, dendrogram view and computation of consanguinity with a specific sperm.
  • Medical and reproduction:
    Treatment and Reproduction:
    If the vet has diagnosed a disease for a livestock or the livestock has come for reproduction visit, the information needs to be recorded in this section.

Medicine without a visit:

If the medicine is used without a doctor’s visit, the medicine information should be recorded in this section.

Estrous without inoculation:

If the livestock is estrus, but for any reason the livestock can not be inoculated or matured, estrous information is recorded in this section.

CIDR insertion:

If CIDR insertion operation is used in livestock breeding, it is possible to record this operation in the CIDR insertion section.


In this section of livestock management software, it is possible to record, modify, remove the last inoculation and also change the inoculation that leads to pregnancy.

Dry period:

If the livestock has more than one delivery, it is necessary to first dry the livestock for the registration of subsequent calvings, as well as in other cases, when the farm manager recomends to dry the livestock, the livestock dry information is needed to be recorded in this section.
The dry item includes: dry registration, dry correction and dry removal if the livestock has not delivered yet. If the end of the dry period is not clear and you have left it empty in the registration part, there is a possibility to record the end date of dry period separately.


If the livestock has delivery, its information is recorded in the calving section. If the calving is not abortive, it is also necessary to record the new born baby cow’s information. This software will automatically open a page for recording information of the lamb or the kid after calving registration to record the child’s information.


There is also the possibility of recording vaccines used for livestocks of the herd in this software.

  • Other operations in sheep and goat management software:
    Any measurements such as weigh in, body temperature, body length, chest size, and height of the withers can be recorded for all livestock.


If any of the livestock quarters are damaged, it will be possible to identify the damaged quarter and record more details about the information and history of the breast system disease.

Events happening once:

If body score and locomotion score in herd is important to you and recording its history is essenstial for you, you can find the score information in another part of the operation, and record the information based on the type of score (body score or locomotion score).

Suggested sperm:

If artificial insemination is used in the herd and the selection of the sperm is done based on expert principles and livestock condition, it can be recorded in the sperm suggestion part for the sperm number that the relevant expert has proposed.

Hoof trimming:

Livestock with industrial breeding conditions require hoof trimming. In Modiran livestock management software, the ability to record hoof trimming information is provided in the other part of the operation.

  • Milk:
    Record of a livestock:
    Registration of milk records can play an important role in managing the herds and leads to better herds’ management. If you wish to register milk record individually for each livestock, you can register it in the record section of a livestock record.

Collective record of livestock:

If you have a large number of livestock or you have measeured other parameters other than amount, milk fat and protein values, you can record information in the collective record section.When logging into the page, use the manual to enter the records and other parameters that are listed in Excel file available on the computer.

Standardization of milk:

Modiran software is the first software, with the ability to draw a milk chart for livestock. Using this capability, you can observe daily trend of milk production in the livestock and step up in improving the condition of the herd. The important note in the calculation of milk is to have regular record distance and registered record number. If the distance between the records is standard and has the minimum number of acceptable records, then the daily milk standard for the livestock will be determined after calculating in the milk standard calculation part. It is also possible to recalculate based on the abdomen using milk standard control and, in general, to examine the milk information in each abdomen in more details.

Collective operation:

This section is located at the top of the page in the livestock specifications and operations section and can be used as the most useful section by reducing the time spent on the statistician, in the cases that we have a large number of livestock with one type of operation record. In fact, with entering to the collective operation section, you can see three sheets including livestock selection, quick operation and collective operation. In the first sheet, i.e., livestock selection, the list of the livestock is available. The second sheet, i.e., quick operation, is used when the operations of vaccination, livestock removal, CIDR insertion and the normal mating are quite similar for the listed livestock, but in the collective operation sheet, you will see all the recording and necessary icons for the livestock, and you can select the desired operation for livestock and confirm the operation for each livestock.

  • File:
    Full file:
    Each type of operation recorded for the livestock is recorded in their file, and by entering to the full file section, it is possible to view the recorded operations separately based on the operation type or registration information.

File summary:

In this section, you can see a summary of the latest records and livestock status as well as individual livestock characteristics.

  • Definition of signs:
  • Animals displacement:
    As explained in the first section, in the management section, it is possible to define the barnyard and also provide more explanations, including the capacity of barnyard, adding livestock to the barnyard or removing livestock from a barnyard, and you can enter related data in livestock movement section located in the operation section. In addition to this, the livestock movement in the barnyards and the reasons for their movement is observable.
  • Herd’s composition:
    This section is for calculating and reviewing the daily herd’s composition. To record the daily herd’s composition, select the today herd’s composition icon to open a page that will be filled in after defining the date and computing all the required parameters and then today herd’s composition will be recorded.
  • Last condition of female livestock:
    As the name implies, this section shows the latest events recorded for female livestock in the herd. This section has the capability of differentiating livestock based on their existence, pregnancy status, livestock type and inoculation status.
  • Sperm bank and storage:
    When selecting the list of sperms, a page opens showing the list of all sperms in the sperm bank. By opening the list of sperms, you can search according to sperm name, sperm code, internal and external registration number, and it is possible to correct, add or remove sperms manually in the software. If you want to add sperm from your computer to the sperm bank of Modiran software, you should click on new information icon and then a page will be opened and you will be able to do the task. Also, If you decide to enter a new sperm into your company’s warehouse, first enter the sperm into the list of sperms, as you see in the figure below, then remove tick sign of ‘only the existing sperms’ and search for the desired sperm, click on ‘entry into the warehouse’, and then input data form opens and the sperm can be recorded in sperm warehouse. If for any reason, you decided to remove the existing sperm, you can click on the exit icon from the warehouse and then you can remove the sperm from warehouse.
  • Medicine warehouse:
    In order to enter a medicine to the medicine warehouse, it is necessary first to define the medicine. Therefore, after entering the medicine warehouse section, if you do not have the medicine, you must first enter it. So choose the new medicine icon and record the medicine information. After entering the new medicine, if available in the company, the medicine should be registered in stock with details of the inventory. To do this, click once on the medicine that you want, then click the ‘enter to warehouse’ icon and register the information.

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Experience management with managers

Leading in livestock management software