Nutrition Management Software

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Nutrition Management Software Package of Modiran company has been developed by livestock experts of this company after 2 years of continuous research and work, as well as 8 months of continuous testing and optimization, and it is available to all respectable dairy farmers.

The software of livestock feeding

  • Can be performed in dairy herds that the Modiran management software are used.
  • Ability to control food consumption in the barnyard of dairy farm
  • Ability to control food waste and food movement in the barnyard of dairy farm
  • Various reports to show the amount of consumption by ingredients


Related content:

• Lists of some of the Nutrition Management Software reports

  • How to work with Animal Feed Management Software (Pony)
    • Tutorial videos of Nutrition Management Software
    • Photo gallery of Nutrition Management Software
    • Download of the Nutrition Management Software catalog
    • Informative website for Modiran seminars and training courses

Nutrition is one of the most important issues in animal husbandry. Livestock nutrition has the most important role in livestock fostering from economic and physiological aspects and accounts for about 70% of the costs of a livestock farm. Therefore, managing and controlling feed intake can help to reduce livestock costs. Modiran Nutrition Management Software allows recording all amounts of concentrates, feeds, feed drop and feed intake for each livestock category, and by calculating feed amounts for each livestock category, it is possible to check feed intake for each livestock category for livestock breeders.

  • Livestock Groups:
    In this section of Modiran Nutrition Management Software, livestock Groups are defined and a code is assigned to each group. It is possible to add, modify or delete a livestock group. If for any reason, it is not supposed to assign feed to each of the livestock groups, it is also possible to disable those livestock group.
  • Feeds:
    In this section, all feeds used in the ration of the livestock, and some items such as dry matter (DM), road fodder, group and category of feed are indicated. If it is required to have notification for inventory shortage after reaching to a certain amount of feed registered in the feed warehouse, it is necessary to record the minimum amount of inventory at the order point. There is also the possibility to activate and inactivate food in this section. There is also a display of feeds based on active or inactive options.
  • Feed storage operations:
    The feed storage operation is to record the arrival or departure of feed from the warehouse. Also, in this section of livestock nutrition management software, there is a possibility to study the exact information on the arrival and departure of each of the selected feeds. If for any reason, the feed is deducted from the warehouse, it is possible to use the icon of exit from the warehouse for a reason other than consumption. If we want to deduct the registered daily consumption information from warehouse inventory, we will use the Feed Usage Transfer to Card index section. In this section, from this date, all registered uses are calculated and deducted from the warehouse inventory.

Data Entry of food items to the warehouse can be done via the Excel file and from the Excel section of the inventory. It is also necessary to use the transfer option from the previous year to transfer the remainder to the following year, which should be done at the end of each year. If the registration of feed prices is important to you, in this section, in addition to registering the price of each feed, it is possible to choose the calculation based on the three bases of the average balance, the lowest price and the highest price.

Note: If the production part needs a warehouse, this section can be used; otherwise, the system can also continue to operate without using this section.

  • Concentrate:
    This section is used to define the premix and concentrate. The premix is composed of several feeds, and for the definition of the concentrate, in addition to the feeds, we also have the option of choosing a premix. It is also possible to delete, modify, activate, deactivate or copy the concentrates.

 In this section, the overall percentage and the amount of dry matter of the feed are also displayed and changing the dry matter content of the feed is also possible. The concentrate written by the dietary expert can be recorded based on the percentage or amount of each feed.

In addition, if you want to know that a specific feed is used in which concentrates, there is a possibility to search in this section using the feed concentrates display icon.
Note that if a premix or a concentrate is used, they will no longer be modifiable, and for modification, it must be copied to the date of the day, and the user can make the necessary changes, in this case, the concentrate of the previous date disables, not to be seen in other sections.

  • Ration:
    It’s function is similar to that of the concentrate, with the difference that you can choose concentrates in addition to the feeds in this section. Also, in the details section, it is possible to enter the amount of the selected feed as TMR (i.e, a ration that contains all items of food) and NTMR (i.e, a food item that is given individually, but daily, to the desired barnyards).
  • Decrease:
    In the case of weight decrease of a feed, decrease percentages can be recorded in this section. Note that this decrease is not deducted from the inventory and only are applied to reports that are prepared by considering the decreases.
  • Consumption:
    This section of the Dairy Cattle nutrition Management software contains several parts, including feed allocation for livestock, feeding form per meal, waste, consumption check, output in Excel format, and also the ability to display feeds allocated in different ways. Note that in this section feed consumption is used on a daily basis and is filtered by default on the date of the day, and only today information can be seen at the time of arrival.

When you start the system for the first time, you need to set up connection information to Modiran in order to record new usage, but this is also possible through the settings section. Then, the list of available barnyards in Modiran, along with the barnyards information and the number of livestock in Modiran will be displayed for the selected date, and the user can choose the barnyards which wants to record consumption for them. In this section, you can select barnyards of the last registrations of consumption. There is also the possibility to copy the number of feeds from the previous day. If this option is not selected, the number of Modiran and the number of feeds will be equal. It is noteworthy that all consumption data is copied from the previous day for the selected barnyards and there is no need for the user to register the livestock group and ration for the selected barnyards every day. It is enough to apply changes compared to the previous day.

In the Feeding Form section, you can enter percentages per meal, and print the page of the amount of each feed for each barnyard.
Many livestock breeders collect dairy animal waste and give it to male beef livestock. If the amount of collected feed is not subtracted from the dairy cow’s feed manger and not added to male animals’ consumption, experts and managers will be compromised in the calculation of the actual cost of milk and meat.

  • Excess feed:
    If an excess feed is added to the barnyard, you can add the relevant information in this section. In excess feed section, the date and feeds that are supposed to be given to the barnyards more than the ration, are selected along with their values, then the barnyards can be added and recorded individually or in groups. For balancing, the same will be done, but excess feed is subtracted from consumed feed.
  • Balancing:
    If you have reduced the amount of a feed in list of barnyards feed composition during the creation of the TMR, then the relevant information should be recorded in this section.

Download of the text file of Nutrition Management Software guide

List of nutrition reports:

General facilities:

Using of Rose Reporting Software:
In the Rose reporting software, the user can quickly learn how to generate reports and start to make an unlimited number of reports that he needs. This software helps the user to create a new report or apply changes on an old report when needed, and the user can prepare the report without needing to call or contact the software maker and without paying for it. However, the software package contains more than 100 ready reports in each section.

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