
Antivirus Aviva

Antivirus Aviva Fighting computer viruses today is considered one of the most important principles in managing and maintaining systems. Every year many computer systems suffer

Mastitis control software

The purpose of designing the mastitis control software • Registration of visits and dischargings of livestock with mastitis • Livestock mastitis control software allows the

Hoof trimming Software

The purpose of developing the Hoof trimming Software: • Recording the visits and Hoof trimming operations of livestock: This software allows users to record Hoof

Nutrition Management Software

Nutrition Management Software Package of Modiran company has been developed by livestock experts of this company after 2 years of continuous research and work, as

Actual Cost Software

Modiran Actual Cost Software is the only actual cost software of animal products that fully coincides with the agriculture standard 26 and can display the

Animal Husbandry Management Software

Animal Husbandry Management Software- Dairy animal management (Dairy Cattle): In this version of the dairy farm management software, in addition to herd management and time

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